Water, Mold & Mildew Resistant Stucco Mix


Water, Mold & Mildew Resistant Stucco Mix

AMX 710 WMMR | Appropriate for Scratch and Brown coat applications.

Pre-blended water, mold, and mildew-resistant stucco features a dual-action formula to combat moisture and mold in scratch and brown applications. With crystalline waterproofing, it fills voids and cracks with needle-like crystals, protecting against mold and mildew.


Engineered to meet ASTM C1328

tools & resources

Amerimix AMX 710 WMMR Water, Mold and Mildew-Resistant Stucco features a dual-action formula to resist moisture and fights the growth of stain-causing mold and mildew in scratch and brown applications.

Engineered with crystalline waterproofing technology, AMX 710 WMMR allows the wall to breathe while also being resistant to moisture, protecting the structure against mold and mildew penetration by filling tiny voids and cracks with needle-like crystals throughout the life of the waterproof stucco mix.

  • Features
  • Crystalline water-repellant technology and proprietary admixtures resist water penetration while providing breathability.
  • Higher moisture retention during curing equals reduced shrinking and cracking.
  • Extended board life means for retempering in hot or windy climates.
  • Lower air content and harder cure than conventional stucco.
  • Uses
  • Scratch and brown in 3-coat systems.
  • First coat in 2-coat systems.
  • As added protection on coastal structures.
  • In areas susceptible to driving rain and/or high humidity.
  • For added protection against mold, mildew and water penetration.
  • Specs
  • ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
  • ASTM C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes
  • ASTM C926 Standard Specification for Application of Portland Based Plaster
  • ASTM C1328 Standard Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement

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