Pumpable Premium Plus Stucco

AMX 715 PP

Pumpable Premium Plus Stucco

AMX 715 PP | Appropriate for Scratch, Brown and Finish coat applications.

Portland-based, pre-blended pumpable stucco mix of sand, cement, and additives for hand or pump application in scratch, brown, and finish coats. Formulated for maximum flow without extra water, reducing shrinkage cracks.


Engineered to meet ASTM C1328

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Amerimix AMX 715 PP Premium Plus Pumpable Stucco is a Portland-based factory blend of sand, cement, and proprietary chemical additives that can be hand- or pump-applied in scratch, brown and finish coat applications.

Specifically formulated for maximum flow stucco mix without the addition of extra water when used with mechanical pumps, AMX 740 PREMIUM pumpable stucco mix reduces the incidence of shrinkage cracks typically associated with pump mixes.

  • Features
  • Proprietary admixtures enhance pumpability.
  • Factory blended under controlled conditions for mix consistency and greater yield.
  • Retains more moisture during curing for reduced cracking and effloresence and improved finishing.
  • Can be used in IBC and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fire-rated assemblies.
  • Uses
  • Scratch, brown and finish coats.
  • Ideal for high-volume applications or where water resistance is needed.
  • In applications where greater adhesion is needed.
  • Anywhere conventional stucco is used.
  • Specs
  • ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
  • ASTM C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes
  • ASTM C926 Standard Specification for Application of Portland Based Plaster
  • ASTM C1328 Standard Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement
  • ASTM C595 Standard specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements

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