How do I estimate the amount of Amerimix product required for my project?
Use our Estimation Calculators for the most exact estimates. These calculators can be used to estimate the amount of product required for a variety of projects, including mortar, grout, and stucco. The amount of product required will also be affected by the jobsite conditions. For example, if the project is in a cold climate, the amount of product required may be higher due to the increased water absorption of the materials.
For general guidelines:
An 80 lb. bag of mortar contains 0.033 cubic yards or 0.88 cubic feet.
A 3,000 lb. bag of mortar contains 1.25 cubic yards or 30 cubic feet of dry material.
80 lb. bag contains 0.023 cubic yards, or 0.63 cubic feet.
3,000 lb. bag contains 0.88 cubic yards or 23.75 cubic feet of dry material.
80 lb. bag yields 24 square feet of coverage at 3/8″ or 12 square feet of coverage at 5/8″.
3,000 lb. bag yields 900 square feet of coverage at 3/8″ thick or 450 square feet of coverage at 5/8″ thick.
* Note that coverage / yield information is approximate and is subject to jobsite conditions and requirements.
Another way to estimate the amount of Amerimix product required is to use the following formula:
Area * Thickness * Coverage = Amount of Product Required
Area: This is the size of the area you are working on, in square feet.
Thickness: This is the thickness of the mortar you will be using, in inches.
Coverage: This is the amount of area that one bag of Amerimix product will cover, in square feet.
For example, if you are working on an area that is 100 square feet and you will be using 1/2-inch thick mortar, you will need approximately 20 bags of Amerimix product.
Still have questions about Amerimix products? Contact us and an Amerimix rep will be in touch soon.